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Undergraduate Research

Research Involving Human Participants - Ethical Review

The Research Ethics Board (REB) Departmental Review Policy is under review. In the past the REB had delegated its responsibility for reviewing some course-based, undergraduate student research to Departmental Review Committees. All Departmental Review Agreements have expired, and thus Departments are not currently authorized to review and approve research on behalf of the REB. Please contact the REB if you would like to discuss entering into a Departmental Review Agreement with the REB.

Except as noted on REB Jurisdiction, all research involving human participants must be approved by the REB.

Please also note that activities intended solely for pedagogical purposes do not constitute research, and are therefore not subject to REB review. The REB encourages departments to conduct their own ethical review of pedagogical activities within their programs.

HHS Students: If you have any questions, please speak with your instructor and/or the Interim Associate Dean, Sheila Grieve, at

Research Information